Business to Business
Business to Business B2B
Discover a perfect Point of Sale (POS) system for B2B with the smart and comprehensive set of features to optimize your order management. With our POS system, you can effortlessly manage merchant orders, process payments and generate detailed order confirmations. Flexible inventory management allows you to accurately track your product levels and receive alerts when inventory falls below minimum levels.
Choose scalability, flexibility and growth, our POS advisors are happy to think along

Business to Business - Efficient Order Management
Experience flexible pricing and discount management based on customer agreements, allowing you to automatically apply customized pricing structures. Customer data is easily stored and managed, you can effortlessly deliver personalized services, building strong customer relationships.With detailed reports and analytics, you gain valuable insight into your business performance. Our POS system integrates seamlessly with other systems, including ERP, for efficient data exchange.
Discover the perfect Point of Sale (POS) system for wholesalers. Our advanced POS system provides a comprehensive set of features to efficiently optimize your order management.
With our POS system, you can effortlessly manage merchant orders, process payments and generate detailed order confirmations. Inventory management allows you to accurately track your product levels, automatically replenish or receive an alert when inventory falls below minimum levels.
In addition, our system offers flexible pricing and discount management based on your customer agreements, allowing you to apply customized pricing structures. Customer data is easily stored and managed, allowing you to deliver personalized services and build strong customer relationships.
With detailed reports and analysis, you gain valuable insight into your business performance. Our POS system integrates seamlessly with other systems, including ERP, for efficient data exchange.
Choose scalability and growth with our wholesale POS system.