POS system news

Deposit in the Netherlands, what about it?

Deposit in the Netherlands, what about it?

BLOGART-LVE001 – On 27 March 2023, the Dutch deposit system was expanded with a deposit on cans. From 1 April 2023, cans will also be included, provided that the barcode is clearly legible.  With this measure, all cans can be returned and recycled without any problems, so they do not end up in nature as litter.

What impact does this have on your supermarket or convenience store?

If your store is smaller than 200m2, you can decide for yourself whether you take them and pay them out. For example, you may distribute the cans and deposit to the customer or donate the proceeds to an accredited charity. If your shop is larger than 200m2, you are obliged to take both the bottles and cans.

Video, CermePOS set up deposit

We have made a short video that explains everything, click here Deposit in CermePOS

How do I recognize a deposit bottle or can?- 

What are the conditions for ingestion?

If you have any questions about deposit, please contact us, we are happy to help you.