
POS system Horeca software

Catering cash register software from CermePOS has more than proven itself in the hospitality, coffee bar and lunchroom environments. It is used in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Your staff can use it immediately after a short instruction. CermePOS Hospitality POS software provides a point-of-sale solution with the ability to manage tables and orders.

Suitable for a restaurant, bar, lunchroom, a canteen , healthcare dining room and other hospitality environments.

Developed in collaboration with the hospitality industry.

Why CermePOS

Hospitality POS Software

Take your business to the next level?


Doing more in less time.


Table Management

Taking orders digitally

Pin machine and PINs via mobile

App ingredients and allergens

Kitchen monitor and kitchen voucher

QR Code ordering


Accurate and up-to-date information.


Seeing points of improvement

Meeting expectations

Seeing when to serve

Price and quality ratio

Taking notes for staff

Hygiene and Safety


Clear view of free stock.


Ordering Process

Cost control

First in First out rotation

Accurate inventory

Checking for freshness

Storage and refrigeration


Intuitive screens.


Intuitive design

Clear navigation

Accessible without prior knowledge

Integration with accounting

Adaptable to mode of operation

Efficient workflow


Targeted promotion, increase sales.



Recognizing target audiences

Chef Menu, Loyalty. event

Webshop with online booking

Chef Menu, happy Hour

Brand identity


Knowing where you stand.


Tax return

Purchase management and order information

Personnel management, working hours overview

Turnover reporting, seeing what’s going well

Clear and concise reporting

Offering and invoicing

Why CermePOS

Hospitality POS Software

efficient software for you is

Place order with customer. Payment to follow. Color settings for full and empty tables. Special arrangement for table arrangement. Place separate order per table. Moving order to other customer. Order cancellation and tracking. Alerting tables where the order has taken too long.

The best product for your store automation. An order can be placed from any device to the cash register. Delivery settings and reservations are also available. With its versatile functions such as time setting, one can also do a lot.

Terminals are the terminals that are connected to each other and waiters use when ordering. Wide option of features and functions. Change tables, change orders, adjust amounts and you name it. This is an Android system.

Set up special offers for specific times (hours or days). Through the Eqpos system, you can start an action for, for example, between 2 a.m. and 4 p.m. for a particular menu or for special days such as Monday and Thursday. Beyond that, the system automatically reverts to standard prices.

This is the monitor that becomes immediately visible on the terminal when the order is placed. The last order is at the top and distributed across 8 screens. A well-organized program for business owners and staff.

The customer card contains all the necessary customer information, such as the phone number. This allows you to save the customers and release a summary. You can break this down into, for example, area of residence and age. This allows you to conduct a comprehensive study and analyze results and findings.

The phone number of the store in question can be monitored and tracked with this. Saving songs and editing songs.

Thanks in part to this system, you will also keep a close eye on your staff. The orders made, time, price, cancellations, reservations, moves and more things. This allows you to track how your staff is operating.

Using the customer screen, you can immediately see what has been ordered and keep track of it. This is linked to the main checkout, which also allows you to manage all kinds of actions and campaigns.

Eqpos back office systems allow you to manage everything through one central place. Cash registers, staff, orders, customer overview and everything you need to do and keep a comprehensive and proper analysis of your store. You can even track multiple locations through a central point.


CermePos Hospitality has a certified link with Worldline (Banksys) and CCV POS terminals. In addition, it interfaces with Cash-Processor’s cash payment system, Paypod and Glory.


CermePOS is NMI certified this provides the ability to link scales to the software.
